Monday, October 19, 2009

Two More Weekends in October!

Our top sellers so far are: Charles Lang, Elaine Snow and Josh and Rebecca DeVries.

The DeVries can't keep their stuff on the wall! They bring in new work and it goes right out the door. It's great!

I will try to post photos of the exhibit tonight.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

List of Artists

Correct to Kathleen Ward-Salem and add Alyson Keller!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Terror Fantasies 2009

Here's the list of exhibiting artists.

Jim Belfiore
Sheila Billings
Mike Carey
Nick Demakes
Josh DeVries
Rebecca DeVries
Johnna Klukas
Charles Lang
Amos Madruga
Christine Madruga
Josh Madruga
David Polito
Blue Salvucci
Elaine Snow
Wendy Snow-Lang
Jeremy VanderMark
Katgleen Ward-Salem

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Display Criteria

We were specific about who we chose this year for the display, but some other factors factored into our decisions.

We have a VERY small space, so that is an issue. Some of the artists who participated in the past didn't "live up to" the criteria we had set then.

We NEED to have the artists set-up their own space. We NEED to have them be at the gallery and to handle sales for a set amount of time. The gallery will not be open and functioning with out "someone" handling sales. That's just a fact.

You have to give as well as take.

We can't balance the exhibit with more "takers."

As it is, my husband told me yesterday that he thought this was our strongest exhibit yet!

Always "good to go!"
The Art Corner
264 Washington Street
Salem, Ma


Here's a list of the artists displaying this year:

Jim Belfiore
Sheila Billings
Mike Carey
Rebecca and Josh DeVries
Johnna Klukas
Charles lang
Amos Madruga
Christine and Josh Madruga
David Polito
Blue Salvucci
Elaine Snow
Wendy Snow-Lang
Jeremy VanderMark
Kathleen Ward-Salem
Alyson Keller

Come see us! The Meet the Artists reception is next week--FRIDAY, October 9, 6-9pm!

Terror Fantasies is sponsored by the Art Corner and the Salem Arts Association. Just so you know...


Monday, September 14, 2009

Terror Fantasies Update

We are hosting Terror Fantasies at Museum Place Mall this yea. We have rented the former dry cleaners, which is about 500-600 square feet, but it has several LONG walls for displaying art. Also, we will be using two of the Salem arts Association's display panels for more room. We also have many small print racks for rent.

Because of the small amouont of space, we are INVITING artists to display. We cannot accept any new ones this year!

Contact me at


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We have three options so far.

We can use Old Town Hall, but maybe not. It is governed now by Gordon College and they want mega-bucks for renting it.

We have the old C. F. Tompkins building for CHEAP! but maybe NOT, as they offered, but we don't know if they will rent it for a month only!

We have the TEMPORARY Art Corner space, provided by RCG, which is EXPENSIVE, but probably NOT, as the economy is BAD!

We can also use the ORIGINAL Art Corner space, which we will be moving into in the next month, but it is out of the "loop" as it were, of the Tourist Traffic.
