Terror Fantasies is the premier horror and fantasy art show in the Halloween capital of the world, Salem, MA!
The dates will be October 1-31, 2008, and will take place at Salem's Old Town Hall. Featured artists will be Charles Lang, Wendy Snow-Lang, Nick Demakes, Kathleen Ward, Scott Lanes, and others.
Artists interested in participating please email artcornersalem@verizon.net. We will be reviewing portfolios until the end of August, but space is limited. There are no entry fees, but a 40% commission will be taken from each sale. Massachusetts sales tax will also be charged on each transaction.
Besides full-sized original artwork, prints and postcards are encouraged. The tourists like small, inexpensive pieces that they can carry home with them. We also ship artwork for a nominal fee.
An artists' reception will be held Friday, October 10, from 6-9pm at Old Town Hall, the location of the exhibit.
The show will be held in conjunction with the Salem Arts Association, who is providing the space.
More to come as the plans are solidfied. So far all is tentative until I add more to this blog.
Wendy Snow-Lang